Saturday, April 10, 2010


在这个世界著名的工科学校,每年都会有让人耳目一新的恶作剧出现。我不知道应该用什么词来称呼这种行为好,英文就叫做 hacking,其实这些“恶作剧”并不给大家带来麻烦(可能除了学校里负责拆除这些东西的工人),反而让大家欣赏,开心,继而琢磨他们是怎样做的。以前有名的恶作剧有:出现在大圆顶上的警车(里面还有警察,喝着咖啡,吃着甜甜圈),怀特兄弟的飞机,地铁车厢,雪人,奶牛,整个大圆顶变成大南瓜,星球大战里的机器人R2D2,乐谱,等等。还有恶作剧发展成了一年一度的传统,比如每年的扔钢琴,那是非常壮观,一架旧钢琴被从宿舍楼房顶扔下,照相机咔嚓个不停,无数人旁观见证钢琴瞬间变成一堆垃圾,是非常激动人心的时刻。只可惜我到现在还没有亲眼目睹。我猜这个活动是为了向学生们证明熵增加原理。


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门拱下面,有人不失时宜地卖 hacking T-shirts,我禁不住诱惑,花了十块钱买了一件。我问,是你们干的吗?答,不是。我们也不知道谁干的。又问,这个IHTFP是啥意思?答,它可以有很多意思,学生们可以有很多不同的解释,比如说"Institute Has The Finest Professors"。就在这时候,托马斯告诉我说,“I hate this f___kin’ place.” 这个解释立刻得到了卖T-shirt同学的肯定。想知道更多的IHTFP的意思吗?看这里。我是很文明的,我认为还可以解释为“I heart this fantastic place”。T-shirt的背后是黑客伦理,我会附在最后。

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Hacking Ethics

The safety of yourself, of others, and of property should have the highest priority. Safety is more important than pulling a hack or getting through a door.

Be SUBTLE; leave no evidence that you were ever there.

Brute force is the last resort of the incompetent.

Leave things as you found them (or better). Cause no permanent damage during hacks and while hacking. If you find something broken call F-IXIT.

Do not steal anything; if you must borrow something, leave a note saying when it will be returned and remember to return it.

Do not drop things without a ground crew to make sure no one is underneath.

Sign-ins are not graffiti and should not be seen by the general public. Sign-ins exhibit one's pride in having found an interesting location and should be seen only by other hackers.

Real hackers are not proud of discovering Lobby 7, random basements, or restrooms. Keep sign-ins small and respect other hackers' sign-ins.

Never drink and hack.

Never hack alone. Have someone who can get help in an emergency.

Know your limitations and do not exceed them. If you do not know how to open a door, climb a shaft, etc., then learn from someone who knows before trying.

Learn how not to get caught, but if you do get caught, accept gracefully and cooperate fully.

Share your knowledge and experience with other hackers.

Above all, exercise COMMON SENSE.

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