Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Mi Mancherai (我想念你)- Josh Groban
但是,实际情况是,我直到今天才知道这首歌是讲什么的,谁叫我不懂意大利语呢。今天用了几个翻译器(Google, Bing, Yahoo),发现最好的还就是Google,不但能将意大利语翻译成英语,还可以翻译成简体中文(虽然有的地方很可笑,破坏了哀伤的气氛,所以下面的中译我根据英译做了适当改动)。Bing的英译还行,但是不能中译。Yahoo的英译实在太可笑了,所以已经被我打进冷宫了,呵呵。
Mi Mancherai
Mi mancherai se te ne vai
Mi mancherà la tua serenità
Le tue parole come canzoni al vento
E l'amore che ora porti via
Mi mancherai se te ne vai
Ora per sempre non so come vivere
E l'allegria, amica mia, va via con te
Mi mancherai, mi mancherai, perchè vai via
Perchè l'amore in te si è spento
Perchè, perchè...
Non cambierà niente lo so
E dentro sento te
Mi mancherai, mi mancherai, perchè vai via
Perchè l'amore in te si è spento
Perchè, perchè...
Non cambierà niente lo so
E dentro sento te
Mi mancherà l'immensità
Dei nostri giorni e notti insieme noi
I tuoi sorrisi quando si fa buio
La tua ingenuità da bambina, tu...
Mi mancherai amore mio
Mi guardo e trovo un vuoto dentro me
E l'allegria, amica mia, va via con te
English Translation
I Miss You
I'll miss you if you go
I will miss your serenity
Your words like songs in the wind
And love that now take away
I'll miss you if you go
Now I do not know how to live forever
And joy, my friend, goes away with you
I miss you I miss you, why go away
Why the love in you is dead
Because ...
I know nothing will change
And inside I feel you
I miss you I miss you, why go away
Why the love in you is dead
Because ...
I know nothing will change
And inside I feel you
I'll miss the immensity
Of our days and nights with us
Your smiles when it is dark
Your naivete as a child, you ...
I miss you my love
I look and I find emptiness inside of me
And joy, my friend, goes away with you
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Harbingers of Spring and Other Random Thoughts
It was the vernal equinox yesterday, when day and night are of the same length. We have had five beautiful days in a row. I was really excited to see that the tulips I planted last October have made their way out of the ground. I can’t wait to see the blossoms of pink and yellow in a few weeks.
In searching for early signs of Spring, I stopped by Mt. Auburn Cemetery. I seem to know exactly where to find those crocuses, daffodils, and the blue or white flowers that I don’t know the names.
Spring is just around the corner. Isn’t that exciting?
Also yesterday, I read a blog post which mentioned Raymond Carver’s What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. I remember clearly that was the only book that our ESL teacher Mr. King made us buy when we took his class. I don’t recall the details of those short stories any more, but I remember that this was a book that I really liked. I lost the book, however, because I lent it to a French labmate, Ann, and she moved back to France. So now I can’t just go to my bookshelf and pick it up and start reading. But I do remember one scene, where an old couple was being treated at a hospital after a severe car accident. The old man couldn’t turn his head to see his wife, and that was killing him. I remember being so moved reading that, and I thought that was definitely love. I found that paragraph online, so I copy it here. You’ll see how abusive the language is, but the emotion is there, raw and fresh:
""I mean, the accident was one thing, but it wasn't everything. I'd get up to his mouth-hole, you know, and he'd say no, it wasn't the accident exactly but it was because he couldn't see her through the eye-holes. He said that that was making him feel so bad. Can you imagine? I'm telling you, the man's heart was breaking because he couldn't turn his goddamn head and see his goddamn wife." Mel looked around the table and shook his head at what he was going to say. "I mean, it was killing the old fart just because he couldn't look at the fucking woman.""
But really, what we talk about when we talk about love? Do we really know love?
Some of my friends didn’t like to go to Mr. King’s class, thinking it was boring and useless. I didn’t agree. I thought it helped me to learn colloquial American English. Mr. King also used pop songs to teach us English. I remember he asked us, which singer’s song do you listen to? I said, Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx. Mr. King was like, who? Hmm, I saw then that what was popular in China wasn’t necessarily popular in the US. One song Mr. King played for us was Take It Easy by The Eagles. I was totally impressed by the lyrics “I’ve got SEVEN women on my mind”. Wow, what a busy man!
well, i've been running down the road
tryin' to loosen my load
i've got seven women on my mind:
four that wanna' own me
two that wanna' stone me
and one says she's a friend of mine
take it easy....
take it easy....
don't let the sound of your own wheels
drive you crazy
lighten up while you still can
don't even try to understand
just find a place to make your stand
and take it easy....
well, i was standin' on a corner
in winslow, arizona
such a fine sight to see....
it's a girl, my lord, in a flatbed ford
slowin' down to take a look at me
come on, baby...
don't say maybe...
i gotta' know if your sweet love
it's gonna' save me
we may lose and we may win
but we'll never be here again
so, open up by climbin' in
so take it easy....
well, i've been running down the road
tryin' to loosen my load
got a world of trouble on my mind
lookin' for a lover, who won't blow my cover.
she's so hard to find
oh, we've got it easy
we ought to take it easy.
I seem to reminisce a lot recently. A friend asked, “Isn’t it a bit too early for us to do that right now?” I said, no, it’s never too early. We will only forget more. So I will record, whenever I feel like, things I lost and gained in my past.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St. Patrick’s Day, Boiled Dinner #10
In this most Irish city of North America on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17), I have kept my tradition of going to H&R’s Boiled Dinner yearly. It was a little shocking to realize that this has been their 10th such party, and I have been going to the last 9 without fail. When this celebration first started, it was just for us adults, and now adults without children were asked to arrive 1 hour later to make room for cute babies and their parents. How time flies! I was glad to find out that I could still devour large amounts of boiled corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots in a short time. The corn bread went well with the beef and vegetables. Everything was really delicious. Oh, I have to mention the famous cupcakes. They were really yummy and would hit the right spot on your stomach.
I wore green today, just like most people at the party, to be in the spirit of Ireland, and in preparation for Spring.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
But now they (clouds) only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now
Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
I've looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's clouds illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way you feel
As ev'ry fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way
But now it's just another show
You leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know
Don't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take, and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all
Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way
But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all
I've looked at life from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all
Thursday, March 11, 2010
在花莲,我们首先去吃液香扁食,这是我们出租车司机强力推荐的。我不知道扁食是啥意思,估计就是馄炖,不是陈水扁的食物就对了。果然味道好,馅多嫩滑不油腻 ,又便宜,也是有好多名人来,又有吴宗宪,还有现任总统马英九。在这里,我们还把从天祥带来的紫米竹筒饭给吃了,竹子的清香可口。
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Between the Minds – Jack Savoretti
I've never been the one to shout because I listen
I don't like to raise my voice
Maybe I should learn to lose my inhibitions
and let my feelings make some noise
You don't know what I'm going through
When silence is all I give to you
So hear me, if you're out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you, and I need you, to take the hand of a quiet man
I love the way you hear the words unspoken
It's like you read between the minds
You know before the silence has been broken
Well, at least most of the time
But I don't know what you're going through
It must be something I didn't say to you
So hear me, if you're out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you, and I need you, to take the hand of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
So hear me, if you're out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you, and I need you, to take the hand of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Friday, March 05, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
2. 在台东火车站外的水果摊,看见绿色的比拳头还大的水果,表面上一个一个的瘤状突起,店家还有好看的礼物盒奉送。看名字才知道这就是大名鼎鼎的释迦,买了一个,问,怎么吃啊?答,用手撕开皮,用勺挖着吃。吃的时候才知道里面白色,绵绵甜甜的,很creamy,真的是好吃,我还想带很多走。
3. 还是在台东,城里的水果摊上,看见另外一种翠绿色的比拳头还大的水果,表面非常光滑,不似苹果那样圆,反而有点倒梨型,柄不成比例的细。问,什么水果?店主有点不屑的快声答道,枣。天啦,我见过新鲜的山东大枣,也不过是鸡蛋大小,颜色也偏红些,这些也太大太绿了吧!买了几个中等大小的,尝个鲜,没想到,太好吃啦,又脆又甜又清香。如果不是海关不让进,我一定带一箱回去!
4. 在上海,买零食,见‘吊瓜子’,问,什么是‘吊瓜子’?店员说,就是‘吊瓜子’嘛!再问一遍,还是一样的回答。她的潜台词,你火星来的啊?
5. 去周庄的旅游大巴居然装了GPS,不光指路,还告知那里有摄像头。高科技,太有人情味了。
6. 在合肥,一个据说有6000出租车的城市,试图六次打车,两次成功,四次等了超过10分钟都没打到,其中两次因为我要去的方向不是司机想去的方向,拒载。
7. 我想,那是一个中等城市,在有号称30000出租车的首都,不会有这种事了吧?在德胜门附近的德胜门内大街,我又被拒载了。我说我要去地安门西大街甲181号,司机说我方向不对。当时车头朝南,目的地在南面,我都坐车上了,就这样被请下了车。司机说你去鼓楼西大街打。就这样,我走了一个三角形的两条边。我很想给拒载我的司机装个GPS。
8. 有没有人知道,为什么西直门地铁站从13号转2号或4号要走绕来绕去一公里路呢?
9. 在鸟巢,票贩子很猖獗。问检票员,没人管吗,城管呢?检票员说,没人管,没见城管就在那边聊天吗?果然,城管有半打,团成一团聊天呢。问,可以报警吗?检票员说,报警警察也懒得管,建议打110。我说,那不是匪警火警吗?检票员说,对,要不警察会来吗?
10. 飞抵东京成田机场,滑行中不经意看见机场弯弯曲曲的铁丝网外赫然耸立一标语牌,上书“Down With Narita Airport”,下写“成田机场坚决抵制”。果然民主国家,言论自由。我不禁想,这要是在首都机场,城管会不会来拆呢?如果不拆(由鸟巢的城管可以联想到这种可能性),我们是不是可以得出结论,我们也是民主国家呢?
11. 在这里想表扬一下美国航空公司。回程适逢纽约大雪,航班取消,美航把我安排到芝加哥转机,这样在东京转机时间就只有70分钟了。偏偏国航停靠1号航站楼,美航停靠2号航站楼,当然这是我事先不知的。我坐在机舱后部,好半天才轮到我从国航下机,只见一成田机场地勤人员举着牌子上书“AA154 Boston Terminal 2 Gate 73”。然后这位小姐领着我在机场狂奔约一公里,途径可能是工作人员的安全检查(因为没别人),从二楼到一楼,把我送上为我专人服务的机场巴士(好像还是AA的),就这样,等我赶到AA154登机口,一共花了15分钟时间,总算是赶在登机之前,还有时间换登机牌。可怜我那时跑得大汗淋漓,口干舌燥,看着自动售货机里的水,兜里却没有一块日圆,又怕跑去找商店买水喝误了登机,就只好脑袋里想着梅子止渴了。还要表扬一下成田机场地勤人员的英语,比13年前好多了!到了芝加哥,发现我作为国际旅客可真幸运,得以坐最后一排飞波士顿,而当时机场还有30多位旅客待飞。
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Glinka, Nocturne in F minor "La Séparation"
Monday, March 01, 2010
在等待鼎泰峰座位的一个小时里,我和SW去逛了大安森林公园,回来的时候选择走永康街。这绝对是一个错误,因为这是一条小吃街,我们忍不住诱惑,买了两件吃食带进饭店,其中一件是香芋味的 BOBA TEA 加爱玉(是一种台湾特有的东西,不记得是不是这样叫的了,我的日记得及时记,或者照片多照些也行),我很喜欢。









