Thursday, February 08, 2007



While introducing us to the new comer T, my boss, who is famous for his name-phobia, called me W. When I realized he was addressing me (after some 20 seconds), I was almost ready to correct my name. But seeing that there was no sign that he realized he made a mistake, I let it go by. What's the big deal, I will tell T what my real name is later.


At our beer happy hour, T, who happened to sit next to me, told me that he knew all along that my real name is Allegro. He said, "when the boss called you W, I knew he was wrong. I knew for sure there were no two Ws in this lab." Oh, smart boy. He's already won some good points from me!


This ruler, owner unknown, with the writing in black, mysteriously appeared on my bench overnight. After we (M and me) deciphered what the writing was, I came up with a theory inspired by a hot topic from last night. M wrote more in blue, and returned the ruler to J's desk. When J saw it, he found it very amusing, but said nothing. One thing for sure: this ruler belongs to him.
Notice: this ruler is missing the first 7/8 inch or so.


I realized that I was trapped in the dark room when J, who was trying to exit the rotating door, got stuck in the middle of the turn. He tried in vain to release himself.

This was the perfect time when Allegro came to the rescue!

Well, I didn't have any luck at the beginning either. Panic stricken, I went through many possible ways for freeing both of us, including the ultimate taking-out-the-whole-door method. This lasted for about 30 seconds, until a final gentle push on the right or the left freed the circular door in its rotating groove.

Freedom tasted so sweet afterwards. For I can never see myself trapped in a dark place for longer than 5 minutes.

What's going to happen tomorrow?

1 comment:

J said...

Who's T? Roton?