Saturday, December 02, 2006

Am I Tonedeaf?

This week's Sciece Times featured the art of instrument design, specifically violin design. M made me listen to the online clips of recordings on two violins, one on a 1721 Stradivarius and the other on a violin by today's violin maker Schleske. I have to say that the difference was very subtle, and upon listening many times, with the help of a good headset, I could only tell that the new violin sounded a little fuller.

This made me worry that I might not be able to tell the subtle difference of tones. So I did the tonedeafness test again. The first time I did it (about two weeks ago), it was at 1:30am and I was really tired. I got 75% correct and ranked just around the average. I blamed that to my fatigue. I always thought I had a good sense for tones though I had no official musical training. Today I did it when I was not as tired. I scored 80.6% correct, and was ranked 69th percentile. (Well, I thought I could have done better!)

I had some interesting findings analyzing my responses from my two tests. Today I made 2 less mistakes than last time, while I made the same 7 mistakes all over again! I was correct on one question that only 23% people got correct, while I could be wrong when 72% people got correct! What is going on?

I think I have some memory deficit while taking the test. I tried hard to focus. But sometimes I just can't.

To help you better understand the scores:

>90% correct: exceptional performance
> 80%: very good
>70%: normal
>60%: low
<55%: possible pitch perception or memory deficit


J said...

Hmm, I got 88.9% and 93rd percentile. I did it twice and the result is exactly the same. Although i am not sure whether it is my tone-deafness or my lack of music memory that made the difference!

allegro said...


Lin Wang said...

Interesint topic. Unfortunately, my score is very very low