Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Crazy Experiment

E accidentally spilled orange juice on her AT&T LG cell phone. The phone was not happy after that: basically it refused to turn on. Thinking that they have nothing more to lose, C and E decided to soak the phone in the purest water they can find, Milli Q water. Their reason: water might be able to remove the juice from the phone and thus fix it. However, M was critical about that reasoning. He thought the acidity of the OJ had already killed the circuit. I am curious and doubtful as whether this would work at all. After all, my friend X lost her phone after it had a brief accidental bath in water.

Do you think C and E's experiment will work or not?

I will provide an answer if I get enough feedback on this post.

Now to prove that THE phone was really soaked in water:

E retrieving the phone from water as C, M, and A look on:

The serial number on the phone (notice water drops on the phone):
C and E are smart as they only soaked the phone but not the battery or the SIM card.


Anonymous said...

How long had they soaked it?
Just soak it? Did they use ultrasonic waves?

allegro said...

The phone was soaked in Milli Q water for about 10 minutes at room temperature. No ultrasound or anything else was involved. Not sure how C and E dried the phone. I suggested giving it a good spray of 70% ethanol and then leave it in a warm room. I doubt they did that.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound it would work.
I can make a guess who C and E are, but who is A?

allegro said...

Why are there so few comments? I have to wait a little longer to give my answer :(

Anonymous said...

I don't think it can be repaired by the experiment.
The reason is not the juice in the phone, but the destory of short circuit by the juice.