Sunday, March 11, 2007

March to Spring

It used to be "spring forward, fall back". This year the Daylight Savings Time begins early. Specifically it started at 2am this morning. Thus now it should be called "March to Spring". This energy saving bill was coauthored by the congressman of my district, Ed Markey. Congressman Markey does good things.

However, 3 weeks ahead of its usual time is bound to cause confusions. For example, my laptop still needs an update. It also confused my friend Q.

Q called me last night saying that we should have lunch together today, at 12pm. So I reminded her, "the new time 12pm, right? Time changes tomorrow." Q said, "yes!" "OK, I hope I can get up for it", I said.

So my smart atomic alarm clock went off at 8:30am this morning and I got up some 70 minutes later, and checked emails, surfed the web, had breakfast, sharpened my cleaver (for making a second batch of spicy Sichuan sausages -- 毫无疑问,我做的麻辣香肠,是世界上第二好吃的), and did some cleaning. It's almost 11:30am so I should get going. I thought I should give Q a call.

"Are you on your way now?"

"What? It's too early. It's just 9:30am. We are about to have some porridge."

"OMG! You turned the clock back! It's in fact 11:30am now!"

Q thought that she gained an hour today. Wishful thinking :-)

1 comment:

Sword Angel (剑侠) said...

Funny story.

It is really Spring weather in California.

Might be Green House Effect: colder in one area but warmer in another ?