Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bon Voyage

I met J by chance four years ago. One Tuesday afternoon I was running downstairs to go to the colloquium for I was a little late. On the fifth floor I met a pretty girl with bright eyes who was apparently looking for something. “Do you know where Building 10 is?” She asked me very politely. “I’m going that way. I’ll show you.” I thought she looked like a long lost friend. On our way to the colloquium, I found out that she was a friend of my long lost friend at PKU. Having similar background easily bonded us. I had fun talking to her about science and work. Sitting next to a new friend during the colloquium, I actually found that I followed the speaker perfectly, which is kind of rare I have to say.

History has a tendency to repeat itself. This Monday I found that I was sitting next to J again at her last colloquium. Four years have passed and the colloquium had changed time and venue, to a brand-new building which is much closer. J is now ready to be on her own, to start a new lab down south. I am so proud of you, J! I know you will do great, no matter how hard the transition might seem to be. You’ll be very brave. You have family and friends to count on.



Anonymous said...

So long! and I hope she has fun no matter what.

troubadour said...

S, thank you for sharing such a sweet little story. Having friends is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

I wish S to write the next sweet story in the near future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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