Saturday, January 30, 2010

坂本龙一, 村上春树


是茱莉 查理 还是坂本龙一


今天贴一个坂本龙一的钢琴小品, Solitude


说到村上春树,我很惭愧,这个风靡的小资作家,我居然是在这一年才开始看他的书,还都是英文版(可见他在美国之受欢迎程度)。第一本书读的是“Kafka on the Shore”。说起来可笑,选这本书的原因是,我没读过卡夫卡,而Sophie经常写到卡夫卡,所以我就希望这本书也许可以让我了解卡夫卡(其实没有)。我当时根本都不知道Haruki Murakami就是村上春树(我的日语已经完全交还老师了)。多么奇怪的故事啊,诡异,怪诞,不可思议。后来又看了“A Wild Sheep Chase",可以完全用同样的形容词来形容。再之后又看了”Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman"短篇故事集。我觉得,坂本的这个Solitude非常符合村上的特质。

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Brothers Four - Seven Daffodils

I do not have a mansion, and I haven't any land,
Not even one dollar to crinkle in my hand.
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things,
But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings,
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

Oh, seven golden daffodils, all shining in the sun,
To light our way to evening when our day is done.
And I will give you music, and a crust of bread,
A pillow of piney boughs to rest your head.



Friday, January 22, 2010


选自《新华日报》1943年7月4日 社论《民主颂——献给美国的独立纪念日》



Tuesday, January 19, 2010


One of the most liberal states in the US has just elected a Republican senator. Anyone can use the slogan 'Change, that's what we need'. Suddenly it became a double-sided sword.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

秘鲁第九天--印加古道(4) 马丘皮丘 (第三部分)以及 热水小镇


首先秀一下我在马丘皮丘得的一个纪念章,盖在我的护照上,同页上有秘鲁入出境记录,对面就是秘鲁签证,也给你们看看,是多么的简陋,就是一张纸,连我的名字都没有,再贴上两张总值30 soles(虽然我交的是30美刀)的秘鲁邮票,盖两个章,就成了。和约翰同学谈起此事,他说,很久以前签证就是这个样子,贴本国邮票的。我算是长见识了!说起签证,我的伟大祖国的护照可真是不好用啊,上哪儿都要签证,免签证的是扳手指(也许需要加上脚趾)就能数过来的寥寥数国。我们现在日渐飞速强大起来,都要取代日本成为世界第二大经济了,什么时候我们也可以免签证去100多个国家呢?我觉得呢,要想让别人瞧得起,首先得自己瞧得起自己。什么时候咱本国公民去香港澳门不需要许可证了(还人民的国家呢),我们就快有希望了吧!








我又回到了现实,回来和H坐在一起。从我们身边走过去一对美国夫妇(听他们说话听出来的)和他们的导游,去我探险的那边留影。有一个小伙子也过去了。看一看这是多么陡峭的地势!他们走回来,和我们寒暄两句。这时H和我问了我们蓄谋已久的问题:“你们不会碰巧知道World Series(美国职棒大联盟季后赛)的结果吧?”这位先生顿了一秒钟,说:“知道。”我们迫不及待地问:“昨晚谁赢了?”“红袜子。”H和我听闻,差不多都跳了起来,兴奋不已,解释说,我们从波士顿来的,是红袜子迷。其实我只是个伪迷,只有我的home teams进入决赛,并且快要赢的时候,我才看比赛。所以我很容易就屈指数一数我看过的比赛:2004年职棒大联盟季后赛,2005年美式足球超级碗,2008年NBA决赛-我居然没有看成决胜的那一场,看的是倒数第二场,比分追来追去,我的脑袋很受刺激,所以比赛不能多看,会有损我的健康和智力。再比如2008年美式足球超级碗,最后一分钟我整个从天堂掉下了地狱,唉,只能安慰自己,it's only a game。




越过Urubamba河,到达热水小镇Aguas Clientes。话说我前一天晚上难眠(再前一天睡太多的缘故),听到唱生日歌。这个疑问在凌晨的时候就解开了。为我们服务的旅行社有两个团,我们八个人是报名晚的,单独组了个团;报名早的,大约16个人,是第一个团,他们有两个导游,其中一个很年轻,很潮的感觉,居然喜欢上了H,所以偷偷告诉她说,今天是我们的导游Ruben的生日,但是Ruben很害羞,低调。原来是这样。我们八个人决定在热水小镇为他庆祝一番。V和H去了镇上唯一一家甜品店,买了好多蛋糕。Ruben非常吃惊,我们为他庆祝生日,看得出来,他很高兴。蛋糕没吃完,我们帮他打包,他要带回去让他的太太和一双儿女尝一尝,这些蛋糕都算是奢侈品呢。早上的时候,Ruben就跟我们讲回去该怎样搭火车,说餐馆老板会带我们去火车站,下午他要搭早一班火车回库斯科,因为好几天没见家人了,想在儿女睡觉之前见到他们。其实他没告诉我们的,是家人要为他庆祝生日。好温馨的家庭!Ruben跟我们讲了他和他太太的爱情故事,简单到不能再简单:他20岁出头的时候见到了一个让他怦然心动的姑娘,就是她了!他请他的父母找媒人,去姑娘家说亲事,姑娘答应了,他们就恋爱结婚了。






Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ultimate Devotion

"I need to collect some samples!"

This was the dying words of a mortally wounded scientist when she saw the abundant biofluorescent species while being carried into the jungle for a desperate attempt to save her life. That was the only moment the whole audience laughed out loud when I saw the movie Avatar. I was annoyed by the obvious cliche and stereotyping which in effect ridiculed the dedication of the devoted scientist. But then again, just like the plot of the whole story, are we really expecting something more ingenious in the script?

Finally I realized why I seldom go to movies. The reason: I do not get my money's worth of entertainment, because I inevitably fall asleep in a movie theater no matter what is showing! Even the imaginative, visually stunning, action-packed 3D Avatar wouldn't keep me awake for the whole time. I fell asleep right after Jake conquered the dragon-like creature (how come I felt that the forced bonding between him and the creature was as distasteful as a rape?) and flew side by side with Neytiri. When I finally regained consciousness, they were already sleeping together and now it was him who couldn't wake up while her jungle was being destroyed by human beings. Can somebody tell me how much I have missed?

Now I remember that I also fell asleep during the only other 2 movies I saw in 2009 in a movie theater: Up in 3D, and Harry Potter. That makes 3 out of 3. What's wrong with me? Maybe I should just watch DVDs, because I can always go back and watch it again.

Sunday, January 03, 2010


It took me just one day to finish the New York Times bestseller Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, a holiday gift from J. What an eye opener! Thank you, J! I really enjoy this book!

Only before yesterday, Economics to me was a subject that I felt I couldn't get close to, or enjoy studying. Like all the college students in China, I was required to study Marxist political economics; for a change, I took a selective in Keynesian economics. Neither course interested me much. To me, Economics dealt with people, and people are irrational, thus Economics couldn't be as rational as natural sciences. So I stuck to my dear natural sciences, and had not looked at Economics other than a simple demand and supply curve.

Freakonomics grabbed my attention from the very beginning. The provocative idea that Roe v. Wade actually contributed to the decrease in crime in the 1990s really intrigued me. I won't give away what the book talks about so that you can enjoy reading it, too. The book made me realize that economists study their subjects just like scientists do: with careful controls. Only by doing so can one arrive at a valid conclusion and understand how things work this way but not that. I am glad to find that the book totally changed my attitude towards Economics. Now I believe that Economics is really science, a social science, the only difference from natural science being that it deals with people and people's incentives. How correct I have been, that people are irrational, and people's incentives can be very strange!

Now some random thoughts:

1. The first time I spent time to learn what was Roe v. Wade was when I saw the debut performance of Joe Wong, a Chinese immigrant comedian, on the David Letterman Show. Answering the question "what is Roe v. Wade?" he looked around, and said, "two ways of coming to the US?" I had to check it out in order to understand his joke! So, Troubadour, I still need a lot of enlightenment about the US law!

2. Speaking about cheating teachers (yes, teachers cheat, too!), I now believe that Sword Angel's Chinese Revolution History teacher was one. Remember that your class got a list of important stuff to study? Our teacher gave us nothing. So I was a little nervous to just study based on the list, worrying that it might be misleading. Oh boy, wasn't I surprised to see the exam which was literally every second point on the list! So the question was, what was the incentive for the teacher to do so? Was he simply very sympathetic to us poor students who had to put up so much effort on recent history on top of our work load in our major?

3. What a surprise to learn that the economics of drug dealing is so similar to that of any big company, in that lower rank employees strive to become the top executive so that they'd be paid better!

4. The chapter on good parenting makes me feel disheartened. The authors seem to believe that how a child turns out depends on whom his/her parents are, not what they do. So should I feel lucky that I have parents who were well educated, thus I myself became well educated? Does gene determine it all?

5. While I was starting to write this entry, a high school classmate came online on MSN (I seldom sign on MSN) so we chatted. He then said, "as an economist in Shanghai, I'd like to hear your opinion on the next economic drive, seeing that we've had a sustained development driven by the revolution in the IT industry for the past 20 years." Me, a biologist? I then told him that I had only been enlightened by Freakonomics only yesterday, and I really enjoy it and now I like to study people, too!

6. The last time I read a book as exciting as this was David Pollan's The Botany of Desire. I would love to have more suggestions for exciting books!

7. I am going to work on Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking next. Thank you, Troubadour! Hopefully I can at least show you some photos, if not my cooking itself!