Sunday, December 19, 2010

Raccoon Crossing

At 3:30pm this Sunday in the bright daylight, a raccoon was crossing Vassar Street at the Vassar/Mass Ave. junction. He was using the crosswalk, mind you, and was very elegant. People watched him in awe. My jaw literally dropped. I was the second car stopped at the red light. I watched him get to the east side of the street, briefly disappeared in a bush, then exit from the other side, walked on the lawn, then turned around the corner at that old police station building, the whole time with people watching him.

I saw flash going off. Where was my camera when I wanted it? I thought raccoons are nocturnal, but this one was definitely smart enough to get around in day time, and knew to use a crosswalk at the right time.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Liekkas - Sofia Jannok

Nástegokčasa vuolde    璀璨星空下
mon ráhkadan luottaid   我在寻找着 北极光的征兆
Guovssahasa sánit    天空中的北极光
libardit dáivahis    蜿蜒变化如舞

Doala mu gieđa    紧握着我的手
Njávkka mu niera    抚摸着我的脸庞
savkal čáppa sániid    轻声说着甜蜜的情话
jeđđe litnasit    像那样安慰着我
Leage nu liekkas vai mon in galbmo 请再抱紧些   
Juoiggas vel munnje... 那样我才不会感到寒冷

Jaskatvuođa hálddus    呼吸回响
mu vuoigŋamat dávistit   微风轻啸
Juoga savkala munnje ahte leat boahtime   像是你在耳鬓低语

Doala mu gieđa    紧握着我的手
Njávkka mu niera    抚摸着我的脸庞
savkal čáppa sániid    轻声说着甜蜜的情话
jeđđe litnasit    像那样安慰着我
Leage nu liekkas vai mon in galbmo 请再抱紧些   
Juoiggas vel munnje... 那样我才不会感到寒冷

Doala mu gieđa    紧握着我的手
Njávkka mu niera    抚摸着我的脸庞
savkal čáppa sániid    轻声说着甜蜜的情话
jeđđe litnasit    像那样安慰着我
Leage nu liekkas vai mon in galbmo 请再抱紧些   
Juoiggas vel munnje... 那样我才不会感到寒冷