Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dead Horse Point State Park

Imagine a place where eons were spent sedimenting layers of rocks, and then water came in to cut away what was laid down in the course of millions of years. Dead Horse Point State Park is such a place with a grand scale. My first sight of Colorado River, which is 2000 feet below.
The overlook is a promontory. From left to right you'll see the following 6 (overlapping) views:

To the west is the Island-in-the-sky district of Canyonlands National Park. An afternoon thunderstorm provides some much-needed water.
Legend has it that cowboys used to drive mustangs to this point to pick the best horses. The rest were left here but they were too afraid to escape from the 30-yard wide narrow neck of the highland, so they died of thirst with view of the Colorado River 2000 feet below. Thus the name of Dead Horse Point.

偷拍MM。后来我也跑到这个台子上,不过风吹来的时候,我居然觉得脚下(实际上是臀下,我有些恐高)在动,吓的我赶紧爬下来。今天看到Wall Arch坍塌的新闻,很让我后怕呢。看来这种砂岩真的不够结实啊。
Living in this dry and hot land is this colorful lizard.

Views on SR 313. These two buttes are named after two battle ships in the Civil War: Merrimac and Monitor.
La Sals in the distance.

1 comment:

Albatross said...

my subscription to your blog stopped working -- didn't realize you posted so much -- let me read one by one ... ...