Thursday, July 06, 2006

July 4th Fireworks

Per request by Jade, here I post my shots of Boston July 4th Fireworks.

I had quite a lot of trouble controlling my camera that night: first I couldn't figure out how to use the M mode (though I tried all the combinations of buttons etc, including the right one), so I had to rely on Tv mode, and a lot of the shots were overexposed. Then the camera lost its ability to autofocus! So I manually focused to what I thought was infinity, and a lots of shots came out out of focus. Third, I was rushing to the shooting location in a hurry and my tripod wasn't set up level for any of my compositions.

However, I did like the remote switch that I had a lot trouble to find the day before, and I think I did a somehow better job than last year.

I did not have time to play with any adjustment to the pictures. What you see now were the saved JPGs. All I did was some cropping. I didn't even do any rotations to make my horizon right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, thank you!